graduated fine artist - painter


Author - Sladjana S. Stevanovic

In my work so far, I dealt with figuration and a certain aspect of expression in which color, gesture expressiveness, are dominant regardless the motive. Color, as a phenomenon is my starting point and ultimate goal. Colorful relations, color vibrations and their contacts, flicker of color supported by gesture are my fascination. I tried to solve the problem of the form (shape) which is secondary to color. I observed that by color filling the form “gets heavy”, gets a specific action. It is my intention to intensify this process by abstracting, which would result by breach of color through form. I want to persuade every object to discover its own color and then to deliver it/pull it out from the color. This kind of promotion demands the emphasizing of expression- so the painting must become unique, open live tissue.

Professor Milica Stevanovic

Sladjana S. Stojanovic is a young artist whose work is already easy to recognize. In her painting both drawing and color equally participate in building characteristic expressive composition of painting. Drawing is produced with strong, sometimes brutal gesture, and coloring is resonant to sharpness. Color is spread in wide movements which seize surfaces of big format. Unlike this “brutal” precede, her motives are “docile” elements of every day environment: street visions, building complexes, sea landscapes, physiognomies of her friends… Portraits, widely placed sometimes far above “natural size”, occasionally transform themselves into visions of landscapes or even whole planets.
Sladjana S. Stojanovic is interested in life scenes, simple views, to feed her painting not subjected to fashionable “trends”, but very open towards new experiences. Her approach to painting is sincere and full of emotions that she strives to control and put into energy of painting. It can be presumed that her further development will go in that direction which seems especially interesting in situation where in worldwide scene “return to picture” is discussed.

Professor Milan Blanusa

Sladjana S. Stojanovic is a young artist who recently graduated at The Faculty for fine arts in Belgrade, painting department.
I had a pleasure to see her work, paintings, and drawings many times- that present logical extension of poetics of European new expressionism.
What characterizes this painting is color which is main subject for the artist with recognizable gesture, wide spreading in certain format. Specific motives, like heads, over dimensioned faces that cover the whole format, are only the starting point to express painter’s gesture.

Professor Gordan Nikolic

Sladjana S. Stojanovic’s diverse opus brings us into confusion when we ask ourselves where spontaneous and devised make contact in the work of art genesis.
Her modesty in the choice of motives and the mode of painting meets dense, strong flock that she moves, folds, arranges; color is pure and spreading is juicy and temperament.
Directly seen is transformed into painting convincingly and passionately.
Pure and clear painting procedure and frequently surprising painting structure, carries authentic value and enables various ways of further development.